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Board Members

Library Board of Trustees

The Library Board is composed of seven members and Trustees must be residents of River Grove. On average, the Trustee position takes a commitment of up to 4-6 hours per month (this includes 1-2 meetings and preparation). Regular meetings of the board are on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm. 

Library Trustee Responsibilities

  1. Financial oversight, including reviewing monthly bill lists, budget documents, and other financial documents, reviewing the annual audit, adopting a tax levy and annual budget that meets the financial needs of the Library and/or seek additional funding to ensure the library has sufficient funding.
  2. Hire a qualified library director and provide ongoing evaluation for the director.
  3. Adopt formal policies that govern the library.
  4. Advocate for the Library in the community and with elected officials.  
  5. Attend and actively participate in board meetings and board committee meetings. 
  6. Get involved in library associations whether local, state, or national. 
  7. Know your community and its library needs; keep current on library standards and trends; and support staff and director in carrying out library services.
  8. Participate in the library’s outreach events.
  9. Know local and state laws and support library legislation in the Illinois and federal governments.



The River Grove Library is governed by a Board of Library Trustees. The Board represents the library, advocates for the institution, sets the policies for the operation of the library, hires the director of the library, oversees funding and approves the annual budget, and supports the staff and director in carrying out library initiatives. The Board consists of seven Trustees. A Library Trustee must be a resident of River Grove and must run for public election to the Board. The term of office of a Trustee is six years.